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Perfect Sandwich Ratios

yum, just sayingI AM AComment

This is kinda big cheese. It's British Sandwich Week, from the 20th to 26th May 2018, a week dedicated to celebrate bread with fillings. In the UK, we consume around 3,500,000,000 sandwiches a year. So how do we construct a perfect sandwich?

Thanks to the cheese makers, West Country Farmhouse Cheesemakers, that makes PDO (protected designation of origin) status cheddar cheeses have constructed a "Sandwich Computer" which they have called "The Sarniematic & Cheddar-O-Meter", that will give you the perfect formula and ratio, the ratio apparently called the "Sarnie Strata Ratio" to make the perfect sandwich.

We love the little quirks and puns that come with the Sandwich robot, especially when it asks whether you would like to have any lettuce with your sandwich. If it's a no, they have termed it "Leaf it out". If you have pickle and mayonnaise together on your sarnie, you will be given a "Cross Dressing Alert"! Tee hee hee. We like the humour. 

Perfect Sandwiches.png
Perfect sandwich measurements and ratio. Note*: Cross dressing alert when Mayonnaise and Pickle are added to the sandwich. Whoops!

Perfect sandwich measurements and ratio. Note*: Cross dressing alert when Mayonnaise and Pickle are added to the sandwich. Whoops!