We Make You Smile

Sculptures Face Off

design, colourI AM AComment

Rainbow gradients, stripes, galaxy filled installations from table to walls created by artists Joanne Tatham and Tom O'Sullivan. Love!

Images courtesy of Glasgow based contemporary art gallery, The Modern Institute.

Let's Travel In Pantone Colours

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Lovers of traveling and colours? Discover the hashtag on Instagram #PantoneOntheRoad from Lucia Litman who also brought us other Pantone colour swatching delights.  We particularly love the shade of Vacation, yay vacay!

Rainbow All Day Long

design, colourI AM AComment

It's Pride Month! Calling in all the rainbows. Happy plethora of rainbow finds knolling from Things Organized Neatly:

A Celebration to Feminism and Equality

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Today marks the 171th birthday to Dame Millicent Fawcett, a trail blazer feminist who championed relentlessly for equality and was a leading figure for the woman’s suffrage movement.

Aptly, today's Google Doodles celebrates such a great leading light in feminism, with illustrations on Millicent Fawcett drawn by London based illustrator Pearl Law

In addition to these great illustrations to celebrate this leading lady, Google has setup a website that celebrates 100 Years to Women's Vote, with a webpage titled Road To Equality which is part of Google Arts & Culture.

In the webpage Road to Equality, you will find many enriching information from the history archives and stories of women that champion equality and feminist rights; from voting rights in the Suffragette movement up to including modern day issues such as period poverty.

This is an absolutely wonderful webpage celebrating feminism just like a curated museum online, filled with all the information, news articles and films footages. A must visit site.

The website also includes many selected artwork, graphics and meaningful banners design that were used during the different movements across time, that provides great insight to the typography, graphics and branding used to design for the different movements. 

One section which particularly captures us is Google has set up a section called which defines the movement by colours. Via the "Colour Explorer"  you can explore beyond the purple and green colours one would typically associate with the Suffragette movement, but the full rainbow spectrum of colours that were used in the graphics for various feminist movements.  

We have included below a small carousel of snippets of the interesting plethora of images, categorised by colours, to take a page from history. 

Floral Arrangements Balloon Style

photography, design, colourI AM AComment

Berlin based artist Sarah Illenberger's new work Solid Air which features photography prints of balloon floral bouquets are a real joy. The fun composition of balloons in different colours, shapes and pattern captured in these photo prints are wΓΌnderbar! The colour combinations are a real pop of joy. Florally pleased flower arrangements. 

Kobe Snoopy Peanuts Hotel

design, travelI AM AComment

This makes us really happy. Woohoo! For all the Peanuts / Snoopy fans out there we are so glad to know that there will be a Peanuts Hotel opening in Kobe, Japan on the 1st August 2018. According to the website, room and hotel booking will commence on the 9th July at 10am, Japan time. 

Snippets from the Peanuts Hotel instagram account are lovely, fun, clean graphics that will be used in the 18-room hotel which will be spread across 3 different floors, where each floor will hold the theme of "Happy", "Love" and "Imagine". Snoopy, you are so cool, Joe Cool!

Let's Stair Staircase Photography

photography, designI AM AComment

Let's stare. These wonderful stairs and staircases are a subset found under the Instagram hashtag #ihavethisthingwithstairs. Clearly we love a good stare, (stair in this case) at these architectural beauts.